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Principal, Bodhi International School, Jodhpur

Work Experience :  34 Years

Achivements : A large student community who went to the best universities of the world such as Harvard, other Ivy League Universities, Cambridge, Oxford, University College London etc because of excellent standards I maintained throughout my career.

Accolades :  African Leadership Academy's commendation in 2011 and 2012 

Vision : Elevate children from just knowing and doing to performing and accomplishing and persuade and prepare them to partake fully, encourage them to take risks, convince them to be self-advocates, and induce to create lasting reminiscences and relationships with peers and staff. 

Pedagogy : Active Learning,  Spiral Curriculum, Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle, Vygosky's Social Constructivism , Piaget's Constructivism

I am an Educationist because : of my passion for teaching; prepare pupils for achievement and accomplishment while at my school and for the years that ensue throughout their lives; to make learning a pleasant experience so that children learn naturally as against rote learning; that will help them become well-rounded and mature individuals: inquiring, caring, thoughtful members of both the School and the wider communities.  

In the coming years, I see Indian Education at : Indian Education has started proving international outlook to children and there is a tremendous leap in providing the best opportunities to children. India could be an education hub in the coming years.

You are an Epitome of Leadership : Good School Governance has 8 major characteristics.
Participation: Participation by parents, teachers, community members [both men and women] and pupils is a key cornerstone of good school governance. Participation could be either direct or through representatives
Rule of law: Good school governance requires fair legal frameworks that are enforced impartially. It also requires promotion or protection of human rights.
Transparency: Transparency means that decisions taken and their enforcement are done in a manner that follows rules and regulations off the school. It also means that information is freely available and directly accessible to those who will be affected by such decisions and their enforcement e.g. parents, teachers, pupils and sponsors. It also means that enough information is provided and that it is provided in easily understandable forms and media.
Responsiveness: Good school governance requires that school organs and processes try to serve all stakeholders, especially parents, teachers and pupils within a reasonable timeframe.
Consensus oriented: Good school governance requires mediation of the different interests in school to reach a broad consensus on what is in the best interest of the whole school community and how this can be achieved.
Equity and inclusiveness: Ensuring that all members of the school community feel that they have a stake in it and do not feel excluded from the mainstream. This requires all groups, but particularly the most vulnerable, to have opportunities to improve or maintain their well being.
Effectiveness and efficiency: Producing results that meet the needs of the school community while making the best use of resources at their disposal. The concept of efficiency in the context of good school governance also covers the sustainable use of resources and the protection of the environment.
Accountability: In general an organization or an institution is accountable to those who will be affected by its decisions or actions. Accountability cannot be enforced without transparency and the rule of law.

Footprints / Legacy that you leave behind : The greatest legacy I leave behind is my student population.  Another one is sharing my knowledge and administrative experience with my colleagues so that they can become better school leaders when they become one. 

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